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Devil in Winter Lisa Kleypas

Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas (Wallflowers #3)

Ratings: ★★★★★ 5/5 Title: Devil in WinterSeries: The WallflowersAuthor: Lisa KleypasGenre: Historical RomancePublished: February 28th 2006Format: Mass Market PaperbackPages: 368Reread: Two Times Devil in Winter Book Review

Twisted Love by Ana Huang

Twisted Love (Twisted #1) by Ana Huang

Ratings: ★★★★★ 4.5/5 Title: Twisted LoveSeries: Twisted #1 (Standalone)Author: Ana HuangGenre: New Adult RomancePublished: 29th April 2021Format: e-ARC provided by the authorPages: 339 Twisted Love

kiss hard by nalini singh

Kiss Hard (Hard Play #4) by Nalini Singh

Ratings: ★★★★★ 4.5/5 Title: Kiss HardSeries: Hard Play #4Author: Nalini SinghGenre: Contemporary RomancePublished: May 3rd, 2022Format: eBookPages: 329Source: NetGalley (ARC) Kiss Hard – Review I’ve

Twisted kingdom by Rina Kent

Twisted Kingdom (Royal Elite #3) by Rina Kent

Ratings: ★★★★★ 5/5 Title: Twisted KingdomSeries: Royal Elite #3Author: Rina KentGenre: New Adult RomancePublished: April 13th 2020Format: eBook Kindle UnlimitedPages: 358Reread: Four times Review Twisted Kingdom

Steel Princess (Book 2 in Royal Elite series) by Rina Kent

Steel Princess (Royal Elite #2) by Rina Kent

Ratings: ★★★★★ 5/5 Title: Steel PrincessSeries: Royal Elite #2Author: Rina KentGenre: New Adult RomancePublished: April 13th 2020Format: eBook Kindle UnlimitedPages: 346Reread: Four times Review Warning

Untouchable Sam Mariano

Untouchable by Sam Mariano

Ratings: ★★★★★ 4/5 Title: UntouchableSeries: StandaloneAuthor: Sam MarianoGenre: Dark RomancePublished: December 16th 2018Format: eBook (Kindle Unlimited)Pages: 541Reread: Twice Review Note: Untouchable a Bully Romance by

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