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Best Gifts for Book Lovers (An All Time Gift Guide)

Picking gifts for your loved ones, be it your best friend, your parents, or even office colleagues, it’s always difficult to choose the ‘right’ one. 

What do they like? Will it be useful? You spend your entire week brainstorming and most of the time you end up getting something last minute. 

This blog right here is for if you’re looking for some cool and best gifts for book lovers that aren’t books. As a book lover, I would especially love some book-related gifts that would help fuel my reading addiction. 

Buying a book as a gift may or may not work – as a book lover, they might have already bought the eBook or paperback and read it, or ordered it for themselves. The best gift ideas for book lovers would be something that can complement the books they have. 

Here are some presents for book lovers that you can’t go wrong with: 

Gift Cards

One of the best things that can be gifted to a bookworm is the money they can use to buy books they want. 

Here are some popular gift cards that you can give your book-loving friend: 



If you have a higher budget, you can consider gifting an E-reader, which is easy to hold and can store a lot of books.

You can read my guide on the Best Kindle for Reading



One of the best gifts for someone who likes to read are bookmarks! If your friend prefers reading paperbacks more than eBooks, chances are they own many and they need some cool bookmarks to complement them!

Some people love collecting unusual bookmarks, and you’ll find beautiful sets of bookmarks on Amazon!

Bookish Memberships

One of the permanent expenses of any book lover would be their numerous bookish subscriptions. 

And a perfect gift for them would be sponsoring their memberships to any of their favorite services. Listing out some of them here you’ve probably heard your friend talk about:

  1. Kindle Unlimited Membership
  2. Audible Membership
  3. Book Box Subscription that they like

Want to more about KU membership? Check out my Kindle Unlimited Guide (by clicking on the link!)

Bookish Book-themed Candles

The problem with reading e-books is they do not fulfill the need of having a physical book in our hand or wanting to smell the pages. Books have a unique aroma that we love to have a sniff of. 

One of the best gift ideas for readers would be book-scented candles. There are several you can pick from, and Etsy seems to be a good option for book-themed candles!

Bookish Bags

What better way to show off your love of reading than having a tote bag that you can take out wherever? 

If you’re scratching your head thinking about what to get, a bookish tote bag is a good option. It’s practical and makes a fashion statement. You can gift either a design-printed tote bag or a quote from their favorite book. 

Pens, Markers, and Annotating Bookmarks

There are two types of bookish people: 

One that will never mark anything on their books, and keep pens, markers, and everything away. 

The others will love to underline their favorite quotes, use annotations to mark their favorite lines or pages, and draw around the sentences. 

If your friend is the second one, then they’d love to have a collection of pens, markers, and annotating bookmarks. 

Book Lights

For the nocturnal readers who prefer paperbacks over e-readers, a bookmark-style light clip, or a neck reading light, would be super useful. 

These lights are simple enough to use, with different brightness levels and color types, that you can use before your sleep. 

Bookish Mugs

Coffee or Tea and Books? A perfect combination for any book-lover on a rainy weekend. There are several bookish mugs with designs or quotes that you can pick from. Etsy is a good option to choose from. 

Book Shelves, Book trolleys, Book Cases

One of the favorite pastimes of any reader is to collect books – be it paperback, hardcover or special editions. One of the challenges for them is ‘How do I organize them’ or ‘I need a new bookshelf’. 

You can gift them a book trolley, a small bookshelf, or wall bookcases. 

Book Sleeves

A book sleeve is used to protect the books from wear and tear, the dust bunnies and prevent the edges from getting bent or torn. 

If your friend collects paperbacks, gifting them book sleeves would be a good idea!

Headphones or Earphones

Another best gift idea for book lovers is a headphone or earphones. 

These are especially great if they love listening to audiobooks. This might just help them listen to the scandalous part haha 😉

Custom Book Stamps

Often, book lovers can be pretty possessive of the books they own (I am one haha). 

A customized book stamp can be the perfect gift for any book lover who would love to put a stamp on their books.

Bookish Outfits and Jewelries

Book Themed Shirts

Let your book-loving friend wear their heart on their sleeves – or this sweatshirt haha!

Etsy has a fine selection of bookish sweatshirts or tops that you can gift your friend. 

Bookish Earrings

If your friend loves pairing up earrings with her outfits, why not gift her some book-themed earrings? 


Bookish Bracelets and Necklaces

Along with Book themed earrings, you’ll also find different unique bracelets and necklaces that are specially made for the book-lovers. 

You can create a complete outfit and gift them a set. 

Reading Journals

Although there are trackers online, and you have social media sites like Goodreads and Instagram to maintain the count of books you’ve read, a reading journal can be a good gift for a reader who’s been wanting to start journaling. 

There are customized journals specially for readers to keep track of books they’ve read, DNFed, and sections for rating and reviewing them. 

Kindle Accessories

Another best present idea for book lovers is getting them accessories for their Kindle! Here are some quick ideas to get started – 

  • Kindle Sleeves
  • Back Cover
  • Stickers 
  • Scratch guard for the screen,

Signed Copy of their favorite book

I tried to keep this post related to gifts for book lovers that aren’t books. 

However, if you know a book that your friend wants and it’s signed by the author? Gift that!

These are some gifts for readers and book lovers. Any of these are appropriate for Christmas or their birthdays! 

HOWEVER! If you’re looking to buy your friend a surprise book – here are some romance books I have read and reviewed: 

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